What is Counselling?

Counselling is a guiding hand for the emotions, on the path to seeing the woods for the trees.
It is a chance to help process thoughts and feelings and the consequences of these. I provide a safe, confidential environment for you to explore your difficulties.
The most effective counselling happens when there is a trusting and warm relationship built between the counsellor and client. First and foremost, in our counselling sessions I will be interested in YOU.
Only you can be the real expert in what is going on for you and what you need. But sometimes it is difficult to see the wood for the trees. I will endeavour to understand what it feels like to be in your world and search with you for resolution, peace of mind and balance.
Integrative Counselling is based on the Humanistic philosophy that places importance on human dignity and an intrinsic need for continual growth towards our full potential to lead fulfilling lives. It is when other people, events or society block this potential that an inner conflict (suppressed or otherwise) can begin. Also an inability to communicate and express ourselves effectively with others can lead to a feeling of disconnectedness and ‘not being a part of it all’.
I believe that as we are all individuals, we cannot all fit in one box; therefore I will draw from the different counselling theories (Person-Centred, Gestalt, Transactional Analysis, Transpersonal and Cognitive Behavioural) to suit what works best for you. We will work honestly together, finding what you feel is effective and what is not. I work in a ‘holistic’ way, meaning that there are many aspects making up who you are and will pay attention to the whole picture. This may involve looking at lifestyle, health, sleep patterns and other aspects, such as a need for relaxation techniques.
So whatever your age; whatever the situation or problem you are facing is; whether you are anxious, depressed, confused, grieving, feeling bad about yourself, coping with unexpected change or crisis or just wanting to make some changes in your life, you may find it helpful to talk things over, with an empathic and qualified ‘outsider’
It is a chance to help process thoughts and feelings and the consequences of these. I provide a safe, confidential environment for you to explore your difficulties.
The most effective counselling happens when there is a trusting and warm relationship built between the counsellor and client. First and foremost, in our counselling sessions I will be interested in YOU.
Only you can be the real expert in what is going on for you and what you need. But sometimes it is difficult to see the wood for the trees. I will endeavour to understand what it feels like to be in your world and search with you for resolution, peace of mind and balance.
Integrative Counselling is based on the Humanistic philosophy that places importance on human dignity and an intrinsic need for continual growth towards our full potential to lead fulfilling lives. It is when other people, events or society block this potential that an inner conflict (suppressed or otherwise) can begin. Also an inability to communicate and express ourselves effectively with others can lead to a feeling of disconnectedness and ‘not being a part of it all’.
I believe that as we are all individuals, we cannot all fit in one box; therefore I will draw from the different counselling theories (Person-Centred, Gestalt, Transactional Analysis, Transpersonal and Cognitive Behavioural) to suit what works best for you. We will work honestly together, finding what you feel is effective and what is not. I work in a ‘holistic’ way, meaning that there are many aspects making up who you are and will pay attention to the whole picture. This may involve looking at lifestyle, health, sleep patterns and other aspects, such as a need for relaxation techniques.
So whatever your age; whatever the situation or problem you are facing is; whether you are anxious, depressed, confused, grieving, feeling bad about yourself, coping with unexpected change or crisis or just wanting to make some changes in your life, you may find it helpful to talk things over, with an empathic and qualified ‘outsider’